
Shared background…

In 2001, following the conclusions drawn from the National Wetlands Action Plan (NWAP), 6 Resource Centers were created to encourage and support local initiatives regarding sustainable wetland management. In 2008, a new Resource Center was created – encompassing activities relating to “ponds”, “inland wetlands” and “alluvial valleys” – bringing the number of mainland France-based Resource Centers to 4. In spring 2012, a fifth Resource Center – specially dedicated to mangroves and Overseas wetlands – was founded.

… and missions

The Wetland Resource Centers – coordinated on a national level by ONEMA (French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments) have two major objectives:

  • Setting up an inter-center exchange network with other stakeholders concerned by the management and restoration of wetlands (public and private contractors, SAGE (Water Management and Planning Scheme) coordinators, Natura 2000 operators, natural environment preservation agencies, regional nature parks, water agencies, regional and departmental councils, etc.).
  • Pooling knowledge and good practices, to then circulate them among stakeholders/managers, enabling them to act more efficiently regarding the preservation and restoration of these environments.

Signature of  the Charter of the National Resource Centers for Wetlands

The charter of the National Resource Centers for Wetlands aims to establish and detail the role of these structures, created in 2001, and make their work and insertion within their field of action easier.

Extracts from the charter:

“Pôle-relais zones humides” (National Resource Center for Wetlands) is a certification granted by the French State to a non-profit organization or consortium – be it public or private – that has special skills regarding the preservation of wetlands in France, and most of whose activity is dedicated to preserving wetlands, in which said organization is highly proficient and legitimate, wishing to actively direct national policy in their favor. “

The charter was officially signed on January 31, 2014, at the ONEMA (French National Agency for Water and Aquatic Environments) office in Boves (Somme department), thus inaugurating the World Wetlands Day for France. A seminar united about sixty participants so they could discuss “Wetlands and Agriculture: Partners for Growth”, which was the theme chosen for the 2014 edition.